1870 - Alexander Fisher - Showing the Flag

Alexander Fisher MD RN served as a surgeon aboard the frigate HMS Endymion. He was on it  when the ship travelled around the world ' showing the flag' in 1869/70 as part of the Flying Squadron.

Flying Squadron in Devonport - HMS Endymion is the ship in the center of the picture.

Although Gibraltar was not included in the Squadron's itinerary, the ship did take part shortly afterwards in a Mediterranean cruise which did. 

Fisher produced an album of photographs collected during both cruises which included photos of Gibraltar taken by William Thomas Locke Travers, James Bragge, and Felice A Beato.

The four photos shown below are part of this album. Unfortunately Fisher did not identify the photographer in any of them. 

Identified in the album as HMS Endymion. However it does not appear to be the same ship as shown on the previous picture. 

The Rock from the road towards Algeciras 

The Neutral Ground 

The North Front from Eastern Beach

Gibraltar from Campamento