1900 - Sir Alfred East - Algeciras

Albert East was born in England in 1844. He became an accomplished artist producing a large number of works, most of them influenced by the Romantic movement of the Barbizon school.

Self portrait

In 1892 he visited Spain and stayed in Algeciras where he produced several charming oils and water colours Although some of his pictures show Gibraltar it seems he never actually visited the Rock. 

Some of his work is shown below. 

Gibraltar from Algeciras

Fiesta Campestre

According to local resident -  Ana Rosa Meana Solis - in the 1900s the Algeciras Carnival was celebrated from Sunday to Tuesday before Easter. The climax occurred on the following week-end with the Domingo de PiƱata and the Baile de Mascaras which took place in the Plaza del Almirante o Plaza de la ConstituciĆ³n   - today's Plaza Alta - as shown in the picture.


Algeciras, Spain

Plaza Alta - Algeciras
