1970s - Colonel J. M. E. Gareze - 'Pop'

The Gibraltarian, Joseph Marie Emile Gareze - universally known as 'Pop' - was awarded the OBE in 1967. Among other things he was an Insurance Loss Surveyor & Adjuster, and a stalwart of the local Calpe Rowing Club. More to the point, he was also a lieutenant colonel in the Gibraltar Defence Regiment - known colloquially as 'el geedief'.

Around the 1970 Gareze compiled a detailed map of the batteries of Gibraltar as they stood during the Second World War as well as of the layout of Gibraltar's intricate network of tunnels. They were both published in the magazine After the Battle in 1978. 

For a readable version - ( See Link )

For a readable version - ( See Link )

The map was later updated in 1999, with the tunnels coloured red, blue and green so as to distinguish between the type of access allowed, be it pedestrian or for the use of small or large vehicles.

( Supplied by Tito Vallejo )