1914 - Louisa Hooke - Album 2

Album cover

Casemates Square - this is a professionally taken photograph

Grand Casemates Gate - The gate leading to the Commercial Wharf bad be seen through the left gate

Europa Pass - note the dog on the wall

Gunner's Parade with the Garrison Library building and catching up with the news inside the Library

The harbour

The Military Hospital - another professionally taken photograph

View south with St Josephs Church and Europa Pass

View of the sea caves on the eastern side of the Rock and the road to the Governor's Cottage

A party posing in front of an unknown entrance

The Neutral Ground

An unknown road in the south

An unknown view perhaps near Glen Rocky and another of the town looking towards the Moorish Castle  (See LINK

 The cave at "All's Well" in the Northern Defences and a decorative cannon in an unknown location

A picnic at the Torre de la Sierra Carbonera - know to the British as the Queen of Spain's Chair (See LINK