1930 - Postcards - L. Sacarello

In the 1930s Lorenzo Sacarello, (see LINK) brought out a set of postcards for sale in his small stationery shop at 96 Main Street in Gibraltar.

Main Street in the 1930s - The shop sign can be seen on the left

The photos were apparently taken by Combier Imprimeur Macon, a rather well known company at the time that specialised in producing postcards from all over the world. The photos were sold in sets of twelve inside a pink folder. Many of them will seem familiar as they have since appeared elsewhere and have been published by others. Nevertheless I believe these are the original versions.  

The Folder

Main Street

The Cathedral of Saint Mary the Crowned

The Post Office in Main Street

The Rock from Spain

The Boulevard

A View over the Town

The Cross of Sacrifice

Gibraltar from the sea

The Road to Spain

Catalan Bay

The Moorish Castle

Southport Gates