1939 - Gibraltar Directory - The Tourist Guide

The Gibraltar Directory and Guidebook was published almost on a yearly basis from 1873 to 1963. It is a valuable work of reference for both the amateur and professional historian alike. Unfortunately print runs rarely exceeded 300 copies and were invariable printed on low quality paper. It means that very few copies have survived in private hands. In other words they are tough to get hold of unless one is in the position to visit the British Library, the Gibraltar Government Archives, the Gibraltar Museum or the Garrison Library. 

The 1939 edition, however, is available in digital format. For that I must acknowledge and thank Henry Coelho who made it available to me. This edition was the last one to be published until the end of WW II in 1945. It was also the first to be properly illustrated with photographs - albeit of rather poor quality. Below are scanned copies of some of the more interesting pages together with my comments and links where appropriate.

For a discussion on the origins of the word Rosia see1704 - Rosia Bay - The Vineyard
For the histroy of the New Mole see - 1580s - The Old Mole and the New 
For Ragged Staff see - 1736 - Ragged Staff Gates
For the Moorish Castle see - 1067 - The Moorish Castle

I have omited the next four pages of the Directory which are given over to a lengthy quote of Thomas James' description of the Castle in his Herculean Straits (see LINK) and which is also quoted in full in my article on the Castle as shown above. It is lengthy, tedious and surprisingly uniformative despite its length.

The Moorish Castle

For a discussion on the various theories as to the purpose of the Nuns' Well see - 2013 - The Nuns' Well

The Nuns' Well

For more on Sergeant Ince see - 1782 - Sergeant-Major Ince

The Light House - ( 1948 - Eliot Elisofon ) (See LINK )

There were many more gates in Gibraltar than those listed here. For a history of these see - 2013 - Gates of GibraltarThe Fish Market Archway was probably one of the gates giving access to the market place  from the commercial wharf.

For a discussion on General Don and his garden see - 1814 - General George Don

Edward VII arrived in Gibraltar in 1903 and stayed at the Convent. Perhaps under the misapprehension that the place was actually a Roman Catholic institution, the King was advised to ask that the building should be renamed Government House - which it duly was that same year. In 1943 the name reverted to the Convent. 

See the following article on Genreral O'Hara, Governor of Gibraltar and his "Cottage" - 1794 - A  Motley Population

The Mount Pleasant aka The Mount ( National Archives )

For an article on the history of the Garrison Library see - 1793 - The Garrison and Exchange and Commercial Libraries For an account of the Battle of Gibraltar see - 1607 - The Battle of GibraltarAs regards regards the pierriers mentioned above - see below!

Incredibly the name of the original owner and builder of the property is not mentioned. For as article on Aaron Cardozo and his house see - 1790s - Aaron CardozoFor a history of the Theatre Royal see - 1847 - The Theatre Royal

Aaron Cardozo's House - Connaught House ( Early 20th century )

For an article on the Excange and Commercial Library see - 1793 - The Garrison and Exchange and Commercial Libraries 

 An early 20th century photo of the Montagu Gardens

Early 20th century photo of the Victoria Gardens  (L Roisin ) (See LINK

Buena Vista Barracks

For an article on this building see - 1940s - The Devil's Tower 

Catalan Bay ( 1931 - George Lewis Land  )  (See LINK

Montagu Bathing Pavilion

For an article on the Hunt see - 1800s - The Royal Calpe Hunt