The People of Gibraltar
1785 - Richard Paton – Uneven Work

Richard Paton was born in 1717. He became a recognised marine painter. Critics have suggested that his work is uneven in quality, a criticism that viewers can judge for themselves by browsing through the following pictures all of which have at least a passing reference to Gibraltar. 

The destruction of the Floating Batteries  (See LINK)

The title of this rather dark engraving of the previous picture has the exact same words as those used by Parliament to thank General Eliott (see LINK) and his men for the successful outcome of the Great Siege - The Lamotte mentioned in the caption was August de la Motte, the German general in charge of the Hanoverian troops involved in the Siege ( Engraved by James Fittler )

Detail of the above engraving showing the Moorish Castle (see LINK) - The town – which would have been to the north of it and to its right on the picture - is missing

Detail from the same engraving showing – unusually – the Spanish town of San Roque with numerous Spanish military tents just below it. The area would later be known as Campamento. The tents to the right of these were just behind the Spanish lines (See LINK

Another painting of the same event - the sinking of the floating batteries

This engraving of the above – also by James Fittler – must have formed part of a set with the previous one - the caption below it is identical to that on first picture.

The defeat of the floating batteries as viewed from the town – the text on this coloured engraving is only slightly different to the other two 

Detail of the above showing King’s Bastion

Detail showing the town of Gibraltar in ruins

Admiral Howe’s relief of Gibraltar during the Great Siege

The Battle of Cape St Vincent - Admiral Rodney was escorting supply ships to relieve Gibraltar when he encountered a Spanish fleet south of Cape St. Vincent led by Admiral Lángara - Seeing himself outnumbered Lángara attempted to make for the safety of Cádiz but the much faster copper-sheathed British ships chased his fleet down. Rodney captured four Spanish men-of-war, including Lángara's flagship - After the battle Rodney successfully resupplied Gibraltar

The British expedition against Spanish Cuba in 1762 attacked Morro Fortress while it was under the command of Luis Vicente de Velasco whose personal bravery kept up the moral of a garrison that would otherwise have long given up - When Velasco was seriously wounded and surgeons were operating the British ordered their troops to remain silent - Velasco didn’t make it but his name became a bye-word for bravery and leadership - General Eliott happened to be second in command during the attack on Morro Fortress and is said to have been much influenced by the event